
Wednesday 3 April 2013

Start Of The Agility Season 2013 - Students


Well the agility seasons finally here. And eventually the snow is going. I have to say dispute trying to stay warm and moving about, this winter has definitely being the coldest winter teaching in my indoor venue. I have even had to result in the uncool ness of thermals by week 2 of the cold freeze!

Its super to see good winter training paying off and lovely to watch some of my students for a change at a show. Seeing the results of training first hand. Lots of wins and super places grade progressions and students climbing the steps to achieving their goals.  Seeing the smiles on their faces even when they haven't won or even when they have got faults but are now noticing the positives in a run and having achieved something they had issues with the year before, something like stronger start routine, more checking on turns, stronger contact positon or weave entries, listening to verbals or even getting the commands out themselves. Couldn't be happier so see them all really enjoying running their dogs and smiling. Makes teaching so rewarding how can Could i not love my job?!

So a massive congratulations to all my weekly class students and 121s even the ones who didn't win but achieved something you have being working on. 

It was also Nicci young dog Nala's first time at a KC show. Some lovely work and very nice turns from the ballerina dog :-P Im sure there will be some wins with her in the not to distant future. :-)

Lu-Lu's first time in a KC show too, however Lu-Lu was entered into Anysize. She was the only small dog in the class against 50 dogs (most were young dogs jumping medium) and shes put in some super super runs and times not far of the collies jumping there lower height. its going to be an exciting adverture for these too.
Katies other young dog Brook did some nice work too, nice to see him maturing. (bloody males) looking more confident and starting to realise that them tower legs are all his :-p

Also Massive well done to
Jackie Smith - Kobe
Who got their last win to Grade 7! Very well done.
Jackie Smith - Zak
For your No poles at Crufts. Hes working much better and the pole pickers are nearly out of a job! Well done!

Karen Marriot & Puzzel
Well appart from winning nearly every G7 Agility class at Vegas you displayed once again some super running contacts on straights and with turns. Puzzle really adjusting stride. Your partnership and understanding is growing so strong. Very well done!

Karen Gittoes - Jake
Gaining 3rd, 4th , and 5th in Jumping classes
Karen Gittoes - Ollie
Getting the first clear round in Agility however it was in pairs so no placing but no hearding round obsticles. Well done!

I suppose I have to say congratulations to my Mum too. She had quite a few runs this weekend with just 5 faults. Which means she remembered the course!

Emily Crookes & Callie and Bridget Mayes & Twist
Both having some super winner time runs but just picking up 5 faults your both knocking on the door. When it all comes together im sure you will be picking up a Trophie and saying Hi to Grade 3 :-)

Penny Tullet & Tizzy
This little dog is super and great to see her gone up a gear in speed and starting to be more cheeky and confident! It was probally 3-4 months ago when i first saw Tizzy and she wouldnt entertain a see -saw it was far to scary! Was a bit unsure about weaves now shes doing the see saw in the ring. and is finding  weaves doing them on her own. Its easy to forget just how much dogs progress but if we didnt have something else to work on it dog training would be boring! Well Done.

Im sure I have probally forgottern some. Appologies if I have

Also Stig managed to get Clear found in his very first KC run of the year which takes him now to Grade 5. His jumping has come on so much looking forward to this year with him.
Ben- Well Ben is Ben, Finally being able to run him and not worry having to watch his jumping to make sure he ok is like a dream. Having his back doing agility full stop is a dream! His being his ture cheeky self and I love him to bits!  Just now to get more G7 style training in and get back focused and ready for 2013.

Well done Guys
Im looking forward to this weeks training, however i feel i may put on a stone!

Lucy Osborne

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Sunday 20 January 2013

Fling hits 6 months at last!


Fling at 6months. (6 months on 12th Jan)

Well it feels like I've had fling for years not only 4 months. She's always being so grown up since I picked her up at 8weeks.
I was talking over her first few months with Kamal the other day and can never remember her having the uncoordinated puppy look. (The gangly slip over stage) It makes it easy to forget her age.
I absolutely love and enjoy her. She's a little madam at times. but very cheek and outgoing, a proper diva! So I'm told -A Spitz!
The first few weeks I had had Fling at home she wasn't like Ben or Stig (my collies) was when they were puppies. She was totally MISS INDEPENDENT didn't want cuddles didn't really want me other then to play. Totally not like my boys. The most she would sit for a cuddle was 2 minutes! Then it was back up to do something, or she though she may be missing out on something if sleeping.. Then at 11 weeks everything changed, almost overnight. She became Mummy obsessed, and follows me about even if she's asleep in the same room as me and I pop into the kitchen to get a drink she's up and there with her beady little eyes watching me! Now if i stop doing something shes just like my boys will go and chill. She always getting into the snuggly places for a snooze.
She's so much fun to train and up for whatever I want to do. She will give it a bash! With lots of attitude. Im Looking forward to everything we do together from walks,teaching new tricks and foundation agility and just chilling and maybe a venture or two into the breed ring! Im sure she will teach me some new things too! 
A Few Videos of Fling - 'Radajasa's Whrirlwind Fling'


Lucy Osborne

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