
Wednesday 28 September 2011

The wait.


The wait....

Picture by Candice Robinson

So Ben had his operation on the Monday 19th September. His Spleen was sent off that day for biopsy to find out what this tumour was. I was told I should have the results in 5 working days which brought us to Monday 26th September. I tell you what I have never had such a horrible weeks sleep!

I was away teaching most of the day and night Tuesday and Wednesday at Halifax and Newton Heath, so it kept my mind busy! Fantastic sessions, fantastic dogs and fantastic people, at both venues. I LOVE teaching them.

So I took Pippa, Evie and Lloyd with me so that it would be less exciting at home. Hoping Ben would chill and relax. -Lloyd was a dog I was looking after for a week.
I dropped Evie back with her owner so we are now Evieless and I can’t actually believe how quite it is here now!

I decided that I was going to travel back after teaching on the Wednesday as I wanted to see Ben. I didn’t want to wait until the morning! I just wanted to cuddle him. So I kept myself awake and drove home.
Just over 5 miles away from home and I had a bloody blowout on the front drivers side! Typical! It was half one in the morning, I had hardly any battery on my phone, and it was down a dark road with no lighting and a mile each side from any house!

 I managed to get the AA out and get the tyre changed. I eventually got home at 2.45 am!

So much for a lay in! I was up and out buying some more tyres for the car, then before I knew it. It was 5.30 and I was leaving to set up for my classes at Skellingthorpe.

Friday, I was meant to be setting off to 5 Rivers to compete and judge but I didn’t want to leave Ben again, I couldn’t leave him with anyone and I wouldn’t leave him somewhere on him own with someone he didn’t really know. My parents had already made plans.  I certainly didn’t want him getting excited by the agility and pulling his stitches out there. So I had to cancel, I’m gutted I missed my judging appointment but these things can’t be helped and my little man is so important to me. So I had a free weekend.. I didn’t know what to do! It’s first ‘free’ weekend I’ve had since March. I spent it with Ben and Stig. Cuddles with Ben and I did some trick training with Stig! And Chilled!

Monday was here and I was up at 8.30 (when the practice opens) waiting for the call. I hadn’t received one by 10am so I went out and got some gardening done. As we had a call for a viewing for the house! Front and back lawn mowed, hedges trimmed back and even washing in and out! Still no call. My grand parent had come round as it was my mums birthday the following day. Just as they were leaving the phone rang. I picked up the phone and it was the Vet, She quickly told me the FANTASTIC news, that the tumour was NOT a cancerous tumour…That he was fine! I put the phone down cuddled Ben and then dashed out into the garden it tears of happiness over to my mum shouting ‘He going to be fine, his results, they are clear!’ I’m soo soo pleased! My little man is back on the mend!
He had his stitches out today and didn’t even flinch. The vet said that it’s heeling really really well. So its good news, he can even get back to lead walks. He is going to be sooo happy to get out of our house and garden.

 I  made a card for the vets to say Thankyou for all that they have done for Ben . What do you think to the front?
Picture courtesy of Hannah Paterson.

   It’s just a case of keeping him calm now for a few more weeks!

Lucy Osborne.


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