
Monday 6 February 2012

Teaching In South Africa - Update 5


Firstly apologies for the length of time this has taken for me to get out. My laptop decided that it was going to die in Joburg and wouldn’t let me retrieve any documents or pictures , annoyingly! But here we are the final few updates from my time out teaching in South Africa. Enjoy x

Teaching in South Africa
Update 5 
Sunday 15 th January
Zip Lining Day. We got up and were out the house for 8 to start the 1h45 journey there. After some deliberation on the route we still managed to get there on time. We all got into our harnesses and strapped up. Cant say were the most attractive things in the world but at least the harness was well padded.

There were 14 of us in our group 12 doggy people and 2 were Kaths friends that we met a few nights before.
We set of, we needed to go by bus to the start location. We were told all the boring safety stuff and then told that we were in control of the break … Ohhh Dammm! The also told us that they would give us a signal when to break so we didn’t come in to fast. Although this ‘Break’ signal managed to change for the first 3 lines and I managed to get told off. Unfortunately he was telling me off whilst speaking Africans. So once he had finished I kindly said that made no sense, I speak English. He managed to do the whole safety breefing in English so the slightly confused look on his face at my response after the first Zip line was weird. So then it was guess work. But the guess work on when to break was fun and after the 3rd Zip I had nearly got my timing off to a T.
The Lines were reasonably high up and we were Zip lining past rocks that were sticking out of the clif and over rocks and spring pools the view up their was great and it was really hot up there to. Both Lee and myself really enjoyed the experience. It was really fun! :-D

Monday 16th January
We were leaving today Cape Town for Johannasburg.

Our flight was at 12.30. We landed at 2 and then after finally aftrer we managed to retrieving Lees bags we went to meet Jason. We went straight to the shops to get some drinks, then went to Jasons house to see our rooms and unpack. We both got freshened up and then went out for something to eat at the nearby shopping mall. Everyone had a steak which was massive and then mine came out. I had ordered the smallest ribs, however the smallest ribs were the size of an XL ribs in the UK. Shocking but very very good, and i managed to demolish all of the ribs but i was very very stuffed.

Lucy Osborne


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