
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Toby -Collie looking for a home .



Well guys this is Toby.

He is approx 12-15 months old and is truly fantastic.

So why is such a fantastic dog looking for a home?

He has simply being unlucky with his owners! There is nothing else too it! They didn’t expect him to get so big and didn’t think he would need as much work. (a walk!)

So here is my honest opinion on him to give you the best understanding of him.

He is truly fab and if I was looking for another dog he wouldn’t be still looking. He has a fab temperament greets dogs, adults and children all very well. And is very toy orientated, food is ok but toys at the moment are better. When he is settled and everything around him isn’t all SOOO new and exciting I think the treats will become as valuable (Good ones)
He has very good toy drive to a dead and moving toy. Loves a game of ball and tuggy and he does not bat an eyelid at being touched, inspected, eyes, ears, legs, mouth and collar grabs are no problem at all.

(as you will see in the video) There is absolutely no food aggression in him at all.

Work in progress

He isn’t to keen on cars travelling from behind of him but after 5 minutes sat by the road he soon learnt it was far more rewarding to keep his eyes glued on me.

He met horses today, I believe for the first time. He was a bit barky/unsure when they moved (Scary things) but as soon as the toy or reward came out the more beneficial thing was to work with me and he continued a game of tuggy and walking through them with no problem.

I have had him in a harness as he pulls on lead. I don’t want him pulling on his neck and haven’t had much time to do much with him but again I don’t think he has seen a lead much. He has no problem with anything being put on him and with a bit of time he will fab.


He is such a friendly dog and just wants to play and learn. I have been completely honest with you all on how he has being with me. He isn’t tubby (I think he looks it on some pictures) very lean in fact, just a lot of coat. I know he is slightly older then most working home handlers would like but he has so much to give and will make someone a fantastic dog. He is so easy going and affectionate. He is only on a longline as i was unsure what he would be like and their was dogs on the field when we were working. He was fine :-)

There is a video of him below on his first outing with me.

If this video won’t play or you would like more info please contact me

Lucy Osborne


Please pass on this and share the blog if you know anyone that may be intrested.
Thankyou :-) x


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