
Friday 25 May 2012

Judging.. Updating step by step!


Well again I’ve not updated very well! I’ve just not had much spare time.
I’ve had loads of training days but haven’t got time to write about all of them. I’ve got up early just so I can get a little updating done before getting ready for Nottingham Show.

I was asked to judge in Northern Ireland on Saturday 12/5/2012

So I drove up to the ferry Thursday night to catch it Friday morning. I didn’t finish teaching Thursday till 10pm and by the time I was back, packed and sorted it was 11.30pm but I was still wide awake so headed off. I stopped halfway. The ferry was due to leave at 10am. Check in was by 9. We got there for 8am but, with a broken car! About an hour away from the ferry my car started making the most horrendous noise. I didn’t stop till we got to the ferry, I just wanted to get there, then when I had a look the exhaust had come totally away from the back box! We were checked in and then told that the ferry was postponed.. Typical and they wouldn’t allow me to go to a garage to get my car fixed in the meantime.
I had classes booked to start at 2pm. So unfortunately Kristy had to cancel the 2 o’clock class. We managed to get on the ferry at 12.30 so managed to get in 4 hours teaching when I finally got across.

Saturday, judging day.

I judged all heights, all grades, agility. I really enjoyed the day and had lots of positive feedback about my courses. I wanted to make the courses not too straight forward but not too tricky and have them flowing allowing the dogs to open up a bit more. I really enjoyed my day and below was the courses that I set.

Last time I judged in Ireland it was horrid and raining so it was great that the sun paid a visit.


Today I was teaching again, another good day. And no rain! Weave exercises and courses, handling and fastest lines, before heading back to catch the ferry at 10pm. This was on time!

I’ve being asked to judge at Scunthorpe in August. So with having to pull Ben out at Scunthorpe in April I said id judge the PRO PLAN 6-7 Qualifiers. But hopefully (fingers crossed) Ben seams better! I’ve done lots of core work with him to help tone his stomach up more. Now I’m undecided what to do with him today. He has had 5 weeks no agility and 3 short sessions back, and being fine. So he may have a run and see how he goes. Its something I’ve learnt that I’ve got to just play by ear and I’m much happier knowing that its not hurting him as that’s what worried me so much at Scunthorpe thinking that I could of possibly hurt him. But Ben wouldn’t run if he was a tiny bit under the weather or he would slow down which happened at Scunthorpe his very good in that sense.. Stig would still run with 2 legs! He has trained twice on large and has done a few small medium jumps in the Garden and been more nuts the ever! He has always been fine in himself but he was off it at Scunthorpe as his stomach wasn’t as toned and with loosing his spleen, stuff had moved a bit making him a bit uncomfortable when jumping but not in pain. He’s been checked and again he’s fine but we wont know how toned he has to be unless I try him. He’s been fine after jumping at home and at my venue so fingers crossed its done.. Just need to continue core training with him! He had been absolutely OFF HIS HEAD.. He absolutely loves his agility and I can’t say (if he is fine) that he won’t be cheeky. But I just miss handling my comfy slippers. Would love to have him back and letting him enjoy agility he has been really grumpy knowing he is missing out.

Lucy Osborne

I will try sometime this week to update more.

Lucy Osborne.


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