
Friday 13 January 2012

Training in Cape Town


Training in Cape Town
Update 3

Monday 9th Jan
We wasn’t training till  3pm today so we had the whole morning off .  We wanted to get some postcards and look around the town. We also went to the gardens.

In the afternoon I had a one2one and two classes.

Within the one2one we focused on turns and drive off turns and contact criteria.
The classes were

  • Drive 2 The Top. (for high drive dogs )
Within this session I focused on short courses and the importance of clear handling instruction at distance, timing, looking for the best lines. Sending the dogs so that the handler could position better for upcoming sections. The students handled the course their own way. I the spoke of the benefits of  different paces in which to sent and collect. I enjoyed the class because although the sequence wasn’t for dogs at the G1 standard here and more at G3 the G1 dogs and handler flew around clear and fast once they understood handling and positioning , sending and collecting. Below is two of the small courses we handled in two different ways.

My second class was
  • Top Speed Drive (for dogs lacking motivation and drive)
This was a really enjoyable session, extremely high energy and high reward. All the handlers and dogs certainly worked hard and were all puffing. The excitement and communication between both dog and handler was positive and exciting. We also touched on how certain methods of wait training can easy flatten a unmotivated dog and ways in which we can train a wait with excitement and make it more of a game.

We then came home and had tea and relaxed.

Tuesday 10th  Jan
We had a bit of a lie in today and got up about 9am Today was our first full day off so we to the waterfront and caught one of the tour busses. The tour bus took us around the town centre first showing us all the different churches and museums  and parliament and district six. The tour the took us up table mountain to the cable cars and then back along onto the beaches.

We decided to get off the bus at the beach and get something to eat and a cocktail and then we jumped back on and came back.

Kath had something planned in the evening, all we were told was we were going for a meal and we had to dress smartly. Both lee and I had no idea at all where we were going to be going and even after a million guesses I still don’t think we would have been at all close.  We were in this very smart tent everyones tables were in around the edge and their was a stage in the middle. We then were told by the ‘hippy’ dressed waitress what was happening.
It was like a dinner show, we were going to get our starters and then there would be acts planing in front of us and then we would get our main and then again acts would then play, we then got our dessert and there was some small acts and then followed by a party. It was a very different night and I really enjoyed it and tried food I hadn’t tried before spring box for main was delicious. Also I would never of thought vodka tiny bit of lime and lemonade and chopped mint leaves would be sooo nice deffo going to try that one again at home …
Here is some pictures of the night. Really strange but wow a fantastic night, again massive thanks to Kath and James for organising it. Cheers x

Lucy Osborne


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