
Saturday 7 January 2012

Training in Cape Town.


Lucy Osborne & Lee Gibson Training in South Africa
Cape Town
Update 1.

Thursday 5th January
We managed to arrived in Cape Town safely around lunch time (Cape Town time) after an 11 hour flight from France. Surprisingly feeling reasonably fresh. I had managed to sleep nearly the whole flight, and woke up on 3 occasions, for tea, breakfast and off, I cant actually believe how I managed to sleep so long! Such an awful passenger for lee! Although he seamed to be glued to the TV watching films. We met Kath and James - our hosts, at the airport, took our luggage back and spent the rest of the day chilling out and walking along white sand beaches and admiring the absolutely stunning views. Tasted some fantastic ice cream, then chilled. A fantastic start and a lovely first glimpse of Cape Town.
Friday 6th Jan
Friday. The first day of training and the first time I had seen the venue. WOW what a stunning location! Stunning scenery all around and a great flat venue. I had one2ones in the morning and class sessions in the afternoon.
Fabulous Foundations, agility skills.
Proofing and Advance weaves.
Advanced Handling.
Really enjoyed them all. Everyone seamed to take loads of information away with them a great start!
Both Lee and myself also received a lovely present from one of the students, Thank you!

Saturday 7th Jan
Today we travelled in land to teach at another club (Vineyard) Where both Lee and I had one2ones and a class.

My class was Advanced Handling, I sent a handling course and a fast speed course, both of which had traps which may catch the slower dogs and the faster dogs in different sections. We then analysed the course worked on confidently attacking the course, commands positioning and drive.

We finished at 12 and then went to a very nice restaurant for lunch and some wine ;-)


After that Kath had a little surprise up her sleeve for us and took us to see the Cheetahs. It was such a fabulous experience. Sitting next to a Cheetah, A real big cat! So chilled and relaxed.
It seamed so surreal touching an animal that is seen to most as such a fast and powerful killer of its prey. I also learnt lots about them and was suprised to hear that such a lean and physically fit animal sleep/sits relaxing for up to 18 hours a day, and that actually cheetahs are threatened with extinction just because of lack of public knowledge and loss of habitat and decrease in prey.

The conservation was great and volunteer ran. It gave people an experience of a lifetime and I for one will not forget it. Thanks Kath and James.

We then went to one of Kaths university friends flat and had a few drinks and some food, again.

So far its seams like I’m living a dream out here! Well that’s because I am :-P Just miss my dogs.
Tomorrow is another exciting day. I will update again soon.

Lucy Osborne

www.agilitybuds.com / www.leegibsontraining.com


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